Extension Master Gardener Volunteers

Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners (VCE-MGs) are volunteers with Extension dedicated to working with the community to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management educational programs.
To earn the title Extension Master Gardener, individuals complete 50 hours of training in all aspects of horticulture education and must pass a written exam. As a condition of the training program, within the next year, each participant must contribute 50 hours of volunteer time in horticulture programming to the community. To maintain the title of Extension Master Gardener in subsequent years, volunteers must contribute a minimum of 20 hours. Activities include answering citizen’s questions on gardening and diagnosis of plant problems, conducting winter gardening workshops, staffing information booths at various community events, maintaining educational gardens, and much more.
Becoming a Master Gardener will provide unlimited opportunity to increase your horticultural knowledge and experience through fun and exciting activities. Secure your place in our next training class (usually starts the second Tuesday in January) by calling Virginia Cooperative Extension-Halifax at 434-476-2147.